So, the popular 90's sitcom has been adapted into movie.Oki Doc (also known as Oki Doki Dok) is an ABS-CBN comedy sitcom which started from 1993 to 2000.Watch Oki Doki Doc Movie Online now!
So, the popular 90's sitcom has been adapted into movie.Oki Doc (also known as Oki Doki Dok) is an ABS-CBN comedy sitcom which started from 1993 to 2000.Watch Oki Doki Doc Movie Online now!
Doc Aga is a veterinarian who rents a detached house in the compound of Babsy. Living with him are Godo, his humbling assistant and Camille, his niece. babsy is very much against the relationship of Doc Aga with his daugther Alex.
Doc Aga and Alex come across Manny in the airport, a rich man who is trying to bring a dog in through the customs. Parallel events happen, which leads the group to discover that gems are being smuggled in the country through dogs.
As the usual comedy goes, the good triumphs over evil. Manny and his cohorts are apprehended and the families of Doc Aga and Alex are happily reunited.
Oki Doki Doc is a film of wholesome, family entertainment.. spiced with comedy gags.
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