Ded Na Si Lolo for Oscars 2010

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Ded Na Si Lolo (english dubbed as Grandfather is Dead) is Philippines official entry for Oscars 2010 next year.Chosen by The Film Academy of the Philippines, Ded Na Si Lolo stars Roderick Paulate ,BJ Forbes, Elizabeth Oropesa, Gina Alajar, Manilyn Reynes and Dick Israel.

Ded Na Si Lolo was given a grade of “A” when it was shown in limited theaters last May.Watch Ded na si Lolo trailer below.The movie is more about the superstitions we filipino have during wakes.


Narrated through the eyes of a child named Bobet, whose mother, Charing, has an overwhelming reaction upon hearing of the death of her father Juanito. Bobet's relatives all gathers together to mourn the loss of the patriarch. However, their superstitions about the dead and the family's inability to deal with their issues in a civilized manner get in the way.


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