Free to Watch: Cinco Movie Online

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Again! I say WE JUST LOVE TO SHARE - credits to! Another movie site to watch cinco movie online.

Uno: Braso
Three neophytes are brought to a morgue for the final part of their initiation. They are told to last three hours in the keep. When an overeager neophyte snoops around the morgue, they get more than what they bargained for.

Dos: Paa
A young mother visits the wake of her daughter's classmate. Soon, she finds the ghost of the dead child on her tail.

Tres: Mata
After a traffic feud gone wrong, Rose begins having to relive a horrific day.

Kwatro: Mukha
When the cold manager of an ad firm fires a janitor, internal conflict begins to manifest itself as a ghost torments her.

Cinco: Puso
When a circus woman with an unflattering appearance uses a love potion on her love only for him to be brutally stabbed to death by a crazed member of the audience, hell ensues in the small carnival.

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