Rango Movie is an upcoming 3D CGI animated comedy movie topbilled by Johnny Depp.Directed by Gore Verbinski, Rango Movie official teaser and poster has finally been released online.A funny wild western adventure awaits.The film will be released on March 18, 2011.
Aside from Johnny Depp, actor Bill Nighy said in an interview that. . .
“Rango the chameleon, a oddly charismatic household pet goes on an adventure to discover its true self.”
Aside from Johnny Depp, actor Bill Nighy said in an interview that. . .
I play the bad guy. I play a very, very bad guy. I'm a rattlesnake and I am a gun-slinging assassin. I literally have a Gatling gun — I have a machine gun in my tail — so I can just spray the whole town. I can kill everybody whenever I wish. I'm brought in by the corrupt sheriff to sort things out.
“Rango the chameleon, a oddly charismatic household pet goes on an adventure to discover its true self.”
Genre: Animation/Adventure/Action
Directed by: Gore Verbinski
Starring: Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin, Bill Nighy, Stephen Root, Ray Winstone, Beth Grant, Ned Beatty, Harry Dean Stanton, Alfred Molina
Release Date: March 18, 2010
As you may have notice in the teaser, the mechanical fish coming out of nowhere in a western place doesn't really have anything to do with chameleons nor does it have anything to do with the dessert and finally I couldn't see any connection between the fish and the poster you can see on the left.While in the poster, there's rango up riding on a ground cuckoo.
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